APCARS introduces its victim support service to a Chinese delegation

On the 6th June 2014, APCARS organised, in the office of Justice Coopération Internationale, a délégation of Ministry of Justice of People’s Republic of China, with Mr Paul Dalton,  from the British Embassy in China.

This meeting, as a part of a european tour, was the occasion to present victim support in France, by focusing on the role of  victim support service in Créteil High Regional Court, first service in France with more than 2900 victimes assisted in 2013.

APCARS explained the advantages of this service, which have been created as a place where people could get information and help by a attentive team on their and the possible compensations. Whatever the act, victims will get free and confidential support in the respect of the INVAM’s (Institut National d’Aide aux Victimes et de Médiation) ethics.

The delegation has been interested by this presentation and they discussed a lot with APCARS during the Q&A session.

At the end of the meeting, presents have been given, in accordance with Chinese practice.

APCARS hope to organise again this kind of meeting  in the future in order to develop internationally victim support and  promote new partnership.

20140606_délégation chinoise

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